Wilhelmina de Boer Dekker

Today’s Thought

It’s not about the quantity of your actions but about the quality you give to them. Whatever you do, give it your best. It may take more time but the effort you make, will be shown in the beautiful results you create.  Love and Light, Wil

Today’s Thought

Keep an eye on your own spiritual health, don’t look to others for what is lacking, look within, see what remains to be done and do it. Never allow others those with strong personality, to tell you what to do, especially when you feel something else to be right. Take care of yourself with understanding and love making sure that …

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Today’s Thought

The reality of life is that anything external to us can, at any time, vanish. The more a person depends on a pattern of thinking, a particular person, or a particular role, the more there is fear of loss. When our life anchor is not within, we will suffer. Security created by dependence is illusion. Love and Light, Wil

Today’s Thought

Rather than cursing your bad luck when you encounter obstacles, look for what you can do to help. Rather than feeling dismayed when times are hard, find something you can do to help. It will make a difference between allowing life to toss you around and taking control of your destiny. Love and Light, Wil

Today’s Thought

Acceptance does not mean giving in or giving up, it does not mean allowing others to take advantage of you. It simply means that you look realistically at what has happened. Once  you accept what is, once you stop fighting it, you are free to move positively forward. Love and Light, Wil

Today’s Thought

You are not a victim of this world but the one who holds the key to freedom. For every prison you create in your mind there is a key to unlock the door as the only prisons in the world are the ones of your own making. Love and Light, Wil

Today’s Thought

Don’t just count your blessings. Live them just now. The best that you can image is here today, ready for you to make it alive and to make it happen. Get up, go forward and build, create, enjoy, learn, love, experience, succeed, fail, persevere, make mistakes, make progress, take risks and find the treasures hidden in each day! Love and Light, Wil
