Thought for today
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Today’s Thought
Stop looking at the things you don’t have instead love and admire what is in your life today. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Don’t miss the opportunity to make this day special as it never returns. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
See your problems as your possibilities for new beginnings and different solutions and you change them easily in brilliant opportunities. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Expressing love is the respect to let the other be what he/she is without the need to change things. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
When you trust you find peace, when you worry you will worry more. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Suffering keeps you in resistance to your life, as happiness is a choice, suffering is too. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Whatever you have is plenty to begin moving towards whatever you wish to become. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Life has no meaning until you give it yours. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
You have the power to change the world by changing your mind. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Remind yourself to accept love in your life, not fear. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Only acceptance and forgiveness will bring change to your life, struggle keep you in the prison of you stubborn thoughts Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Be thankful for your mistakes, next time you know clearly what not to do. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Your desires may be strong but it’s your action that will bring them into reality. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Rediscover your power by taking control of your life. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Excellence is not achieved in the first step, keep on going. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Wishing you all a wonderful, healthy and wealthy 2025 and remember: success is not about chance, but about you! Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Excellence is not achieved in the first step, keep on going. Be trustworthy, be healthy, and wealthy as ‘receiving’ depends on your ability of abundant giving. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
People who know the least always argue the most. Choose wisely your words and deeds as they become a magnet, attracting and showing your thoughts. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Fortune and poverty live in the same world, your perception leads you to one or the other. For the new year to come, welcome abundance, health and wealth to be part of your life. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Remember that your life reflects your thinking so how much effort do you make to be successful in your relationships, personal development and business? Is it worth to keep your frustrations going? Promise yourself a new start, being free from attachments you no longer need. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Healing the earth begins with healing yourself. Prepare yourself for a new year to come, listening to your heart, dismissing the turmoil of mind. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
This Christmas remember that the more conscious you become of your power the less impossible it becomes to be overpowered. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
The more you depend on a pattern of thinking, person or role, the more there is fear of loss. All your security created by dependence is an illusion. Everything external to yourself can at any time vanish. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
One of the most effective ways to look at your circumstances is expanding your perspective, making it bigger so you can move forward again. You will no longer fight battles that don’t really matter Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
The need to defend yourself comes from a perception of guilt on your part. Feeling hurt, sad or angry shows the power you give to others, thinking that they can hurt and attack you. The truth is that your reaction has nothing to do with the other person as it shows your own inner conflict …
Today’s Thought
Fighting against negativity only produces more negativity. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Your life depends on the decisions you make, the power you think you have and your effort to reach for your goals Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Remember that people are seldom improved by quilt, be thankful for all your experiences right now and you will build a future full of joy and peace. Life is too precious to burden your days with useless behavior, act and make a positive difference in this world. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Life is yours, the shortcomings and disappointments you have experienced are nothing compared to the possibilities you can grasp now. Every moment is an opportunity as life can be great when you make up your mind and make use of your incredible good fortune to live this day to the outmost. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Imagine your future and do not think you will be the same as you are now, be sure your first step into a new direction will be supported by the Universe providing abundantly for your decisions. Be fully alive, just think of all you can do as your life is a priceless gift waiting to …
Today’s Thought
If you are always comparing yourself with others, you will either suffer from ego or jealousy. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Happiness is not a destination, remember it is a journey happening in the moment, as happiness is what you are, not what you have. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
When you want to move on with your life, don’t look back to the past and the difficulties you think you have in life but focus your attention and your effort on where you intend to go. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
The way we express ourselves about time shows the way we control our life. ‘I don’t have time’, can mean actually; “I don’t fit you in my schedule’, or ‘I am out of control, my life is a mess’, or ‘I don’t give myself freedom enough to do the things I want to do’. Saying; …
Today’s Thought
The more you believe in the control you have, the more your trust will be shown in the way you live. Your world can only change when you dare to change your mind about it. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Dare to make a change, giving up the approval of others, practice new insights and life will turn into directions of abundance and peace. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Embrace fully your capacity to think in unlimited ways, be patient, let your eyes meet the beauty of nature, feel gratitude in your heart and life calms down to embrace you with abundance. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Be patient today as patience expands your options. Be kind to yourself, not telling yourself to hurry or aiming for results and immediate gratification. Take time today to enjoy what you do, observe what already is manifested in your life. Pay attention, peacefully accept what is, give up the need to reach for more or …
Today’s Thought
Everything in your life reflects your own beliefs. No matter what may come your way, you have the power to respond in whatever way you choose. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Dare to see the world today from another point of view and you will be amazed about the different opinion you will create. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Your desires may be strong but it’s your action that will bring them into reality. Act… not react! Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
What you do and how you act has its own impact in this world as the physical reality of this earth is shaped by the actions and decisions of those who are in it, it is all a reflection of your thinking. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Look today at life as a dynamic opportunity of choices, hold on to the thought that there is nothing without value upon this Earth and trust that you can have an impact to make this world a peaceful place. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Only what you recognize you can change or empower. Observe your life and instead of blaming others for your circumstances take control, as the only one who can change your perception of your circumstances is YOU! Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Give up the battle of being right, respect that everyone around you has a different point of view. Simply find common ground as your words of encouragement and compassion may change people’s lives. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Always speak words from your heart and even the most upset person will feel the intention of your love. All your words are making a difference in this world, be respectful and you will build bridges of understanding, empathy and compassion. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Let your experience become wisdom, searching for the meaning and lesson it contains for you. You don’t need a church or priest to experience God as Christ lives in your own heart, represented in your actions and words of compassion. Use your feelings and emotions as a way to enjoy life, experiencing the incredible and …
Today’s Thought
Learn from the past but don’t live it. Embrace today, love, observe and care and realize that It is all up to you to make this a brilliant day. Change your opinion in a ‘point of view’ and remember that it is not necessarily someone else’s ‘point of view’. Realize that the experience of life is the …
Today’s Thought
Dare to change your mind as it will change your world. Listen today carefully to yourself and start to understand where your needs are coming from, it will help you to see and accept the needs of others. See the beauty and good in people, not their mistakes and you will activate and energize their …
Today’s Thought
Consider your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. You can learn from the past, but you cannot gain anything from living there. All what you experience has its own importance, look for the lesson. Find out your values, keep and respect them, as they will guide you to …
Today’s Thought
Pain and suffering are messengers in your life, listen to them. Don’t hide but embrace what happens as transformation can only happen when you no longer are afraid to face your circumstances. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
The incredible power of your thoughts creates your world. Every thought you have is an inspiration to another one. Don’t cry over an opportunity you missed: your tears will cloud your vision to see the next one. Start off peaceful today, creating many thoughts that will bring a smile to your face, and realize that …
Today’s Thought
Your life represents your thinking. Everything in your life reflects your own beliefs. No matter what may come your way, you have the power to respond in whatever way you choose. Every moment has its own significance; treat it with care, knowing it never returns. Be thankful for the challenges in your life, they bring you choices, …
Today’s Thought
Make good use of what you have as they are the ingredients to your success. When you want to receive more in your life you have to spend time appreciating what you already have. The truth is that you have everything you need as nothing has been withheld from you. Life is filled with many blessings, …
Today’s Thought
To maintain peace of mind, be aware of what you say, see and hear. Remember you cannot keep your mind and mouth open at the same time. Be silent, rather than quick to judge, be quick to forgive, and keep in mind that there are no limits except the ones we put on ourselves. Love and …
Today’s Thought
Make yourself irresistible today, smile! Life is too precious to burden your days with useless behavior, act and make a positive difference in this world. Give up pleasing others, feel compassion for All. Dream big dreams as only big dreams have the power to move your mind and spirit. In each moment is the chance to …
Today’s Thought
Today is like a white canvas to be painted with your colorful thoughts, inspiring words and powerful actions. Make today unforgettable, create miracles of trust and faith. Remember that every thought manifests in the way you pretend it to be. Be aware of what you create, simply pay attention to all of your intentions, and …
Today’s Thought
Everything what you do today makes a difference. Everything what you inspire today will bloom later on in your life. Today you may make choices in which you express your trust and hopes for your world. Today you may start things to work better. Right now, this moment your input is important as you have …
Today’s Thought
Take a moment every day before you start off the day. Start with a moment of solitude and promise yourself to live that day to the utmost. Bring gratitude to your day, knowing that you may live it to bring out the best in you. Trust that everything is given to make it the best …
Today’s Thought
If you knew in advance exactly how your lives would unfold, it would surely drain all the joy from the experience. Though it can be uncomfortable and even painful to feel uncertain in this world it is also a blessing as it makes everything possible, and it gives even more meaning to those things of …
Today’s Thought
The more we hold on to security, the more we have to lose. Security is mostly a superstition. it does not exist in nature. All seasons have their own beauty, every day has an ending and every morning there is a new beginning. Life is an adventure and there is no point in worrying about …
Today’s Thought
Lots of people have beautiful dreams of what they want from life but most of the dreams will be never realized, staying a dream. To make your dreams true you have to start getting focused. First find out what you really want, activate your desire to a powerful determination to inspire all kinds of opportunities …
Today’s Thought
Never persist in changing people’s minds. Respect the opinions of others, even when you disagree with them. The true secret of giving advice is that you have honestly given it to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not. No two people think exactly in the same way or from the same perspective. Rather …
Today’s Thought
Lack of freedom does not come from other people or the situation you are in. The way you think about your life, about this world is your greatest barrier. The more you believe in your lacks and needs the more they are present in your life. All your limited thoughts come from your conditioned mind …
Today’s Thought
Achieving success comes from a commitment to excellence every step of the way. Staying successful demands a sufficient quantity of effort filled with quality and competence. It’s not only about making enough phone calls and knocking on doors, it’s importance to start with that and when the door opens, to be able to deliver excellence. …
Today’s Thought
Nature reflects the perfection of our being. Look around and you will not find mistakes in the way a flower is shaped, a tree grows, or a bird flies. There is only perfection. What keeps you from perfection is your thinking mind, separating you through doubt and fear, not believing in the creative power of …
Today’s Thought
The more you depend on a pattern of thinking, person or role, the more there is fear of loss. All your security created by dependence is an illusion. Everything external to yourself can at any time vanish. Recognize what you have and who you are, and all security is recognized within. When you trust yourself, …
Today’s Thought
Are you crawling along the dusty ground, agonizing over every grain of sand or can you fly the sky enjoying the view from some thousand feet? The place you stand in, how you think about your problems and opportunities certainly will make a difference. One of the most effective ways to look at your circumstances …
Today’s Thought
The quality of your thoughts determines your own personal degree of happiness. All experiences you go through show your way of thinking about yourself. When you observe how you find yourself reacting to what someone else says or does, you may discover the perception you have about yourself. The need to defend yourself comes from …
Today’s Thought
Give up expectation and start acting, indefatigable, going strong, fearless and powerful. Authorize yourself to be in charge of your life, self-control and determination will bring out the best in you. As life will reflect your deeds and actions, your world unfolds abundantly. Don’t blame others, look in the mirror and watch the one who …
Today’s Thought
Stop waiting today for things to go better, stop wishing for things to be different. Stop making excuses to hide from the world. Realize that how you feel is the result of how you respond to the circumstances you are in. But realize that no circumstance is powerful enough to keep you there when you …
Today’s Thought
When you take things for granted in life, not making an effort and relying on others to take care of you, feeling safe with your job, your insurances and retirement plan, thinking that what you have, will stay forever, expecting even improvement, you will be disappointed. When you don’t make the effort, others will, when …
Today’s Thought
All around you is beautifully shaped, there are no mistakes in the beauty of nature. You are part of that nature, perfectly created to fulfill your purpose in this world. By paying gratitude to the smallest of things, you enjoy even more the perfection of your existence. The intention and action of gratitude you bring …
Today’s Thought
When you offer words of encouragement to someone else, remember to give yourself similar encouragement. You tend to belief everything what you say to yourself so trust yourself, make it true that you are worthy of the best life has to offer. You control your own words. Make it a point to be your own …
Today’s Thought
Without love your life echoes emptiness, therefore search for love, once you have learned to love, you will have learned to live. Your life will vibrate with warmth and meaning. Even during hardship, love shines through. If you have it, you don’t need to have anything else, when you don’t have it, it doesn’t much …
Today’s Thought
Choose today for happiness for even happiness is a choice. Feel your strength when you promise yourself to be joyful and in control of your day, go ahead and begin, get started to be happy. Keep going and accomplish what you have decided to do. Today is a great time. Happiness is not a destination, …
Today’s Thought
Regret is a waste of energy, as you regret things in your life, you are not living the moment now, looking back in the past to something you cannot change. Consider every experience in your life as a challenge to the power of your creativity. Instead of looking for ‘solutions’, appreciate the contribution of all …
Today’s Thought
Live this day as a winner and make the most of that priceless price that is your life. The more you put into your life the more magnificent it will become. With desire to put you forward and wisdom to keep you steady, you may become, experience and do whatever you decide. Life is yours, …
Today’s Thought
What will happen when you drive a car forward while you are only looking backwards? Be honest you will not come very far. When you want to move on with your life, don’t look back to the past and the difficulties you think you have in life but focus your attention and your effort on …
Today’s Thought
How important are the promises you make to yourself. Remind yourself of the many promises you maybe already made to yourself, to stay on your diet, to take on a sport, to give up smoking or not to drink anymore. It is maybe no surprise for you to find out how easily you give up …
Today’s Thought
Nothing can change so quickly as your attitude. From one moment to the other, your world can be an entirely different place when your attitude toward it changes. Though anything can influence it, you control it. Even when you think that certain things can put you in a bad mood, you choose to be it. …
Today’s Thought
The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you’re not going to stay where you are right now. Your life depends on the decisions you make, the power you think you have and your effort to reach your goals. Progress is never developed without determination and a healthy appetite for better or more. …
Today’s Thought
As long as you are thinking of where you could be, you are making yourself not present where you are right now. As long as you think you are missing out on something, you will. You are where your awareness is, and you may realize that you bring yourself many times to nowhere or to …
Today’s Thought
You don’t have to see the things in your life positively, just stop seeing them negatively. Be neutral about what happens and stop imposing your expectations on the circumstances and events of your life. Remember that you are not your feelings, when you feel sad or angry doesn’t mean that you are a sad or …
Today’s Thought
Lots of people dream of a beautiful future, having a great vision or an amazing inspiration but will never achieve it, abandoning their dreams easily by thinking; ‘how could I ever do that?’ When you really know why you wish to achieve your dream, honestly focusing on it, exploring how and what to do to …
Today’s Thought
No one teaches us how to manage our thoughts and feelings. We get some guidance to learn about our attitude and behavior but most of us find it difficult to manage thoughts and feelings in the roles we have in life, becoming easily emotional in relationships or to keep our thoughts positive in complicated times. …
Today’s Thought
Most people live in the deep illusion that money makes the world go round while we all know that it is not true. Money is not what defines success or failure and yet we often think of it as the most powerful motivator. This illusion goes so deep that we find it almost impossible to …
Today’s Thought
When new challenges come along, we say we will ‘try’ to do them. Not only does this short phrase carry a built-in delay to begin with but there is also a readymade excuse waiting to emerge. ‘I tried my best’ is another sentence in which we actually, even before we start, we mentally fail. Listen …
Today’s Thought
When people are depressed or sad they hear many times the advice to ‘let go’ but what do you actually have to let go and where is it going? When you ‘want to let go’, you are in resistance with your own creation. Creation of thought that keeps you prison in your own mind, thinking …
Today’s Thought
Consider everything that you go through as a challenge to the power of your creativity and flexibility. Everything in your life is your unique experience and you make every time a choice to accept or to resent your challenges in life. Gratitude and acceptance enable you to see the opportunity of growth and power hidden …
Today’s Thought
When you search for peace of mind be aware to; Never think that you know better than others. Never assume that you understand the reasons others have. Never advise without being asked. Never interfere in the lives of others. Never expected anything back for what you have done. Instead look at your own life and …
Today’s Thought
Sometimes words are inadequate or just too difficult. Sometimes expressing self is only possible by reaching out grabbing that hand or fully embracing that person. The touch of hands or embracement is a reminder of our unity. We are not only participating in a universal greeting but acknowledging that we are all one, connected in …
Today’s Thought
When we think or hear the word ‘wealth” today we immediately conjure images of the very best of everything, huge cheques, big cars, large properties etc. In fact, this is the limited form of wealth. Wealth measured and defined essentially by money blocks the realization and manifestation of true wealth. Real wealth is recognizing that …
Today’s Thought
Do you dare to dream today? as when you dream you bring out the wisdom and knowledge of the sub conscious mind. You create a different world and give freedom to new things, replacing the old, as when you dare to dream you are gaining the incredible ancient awareness you have and transforming your daily …
Today’s Thought
Our mind is so conditioned that we think that there is truth in what we have come to believe. We most of the time we don’t realize that we think out of a limited point of view…the human mind, which need to feel safe and secure. All theories we have all things we think we …
Today’s Thought
You have absolute freedom of thought. Even when people tell you how to think, it is you who makes the decision to do so or not. Wisdom and knowledge make you even more aware of that freedom. Being a conscious creator of your thoughts starts as you recognize your conditionings and the limitations you have …
Today’s Thought
The future is the next shape your consciousness takes, as the world reflects your thinking. You are the creator of your world, and your hopes, dreams and expectations are shown tomorrow. You are in control and with the power of your thoughts it is you who may inspire this world. Your human awareness makes the …
Today’s Thought
When we open the human skull, we will not find thoughts, wisdom and knowledge. When we operate the heart, we don’t see courage, love and compassion. The body and mind reflect the conscience, the willpower and the choices of the awareness we are. We are not the body and not the mind, but we may …
Today’s Thought
There is only one in control of you and that is you. Even when others will tell you how to think, live or act, it is only you who can make the choice to do so. Therefore, you are responsible for your own happiness. You are responsible for the way you live your life as …
Today’s Thought
The importance you give to yourself is the key to success or failure. When you can’t see your importance in this world you don’t inspire the thoughts and beliefs you have with power, instead you empower them with your doubts and fear. Remember that you always get what you expect. Observe your thoughts and discover …