Thought for today
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Today’s Thought
Stop pretending to be a victim in this world, stop complaining about your circumstances and get on with your life as only you keeps yourself from receiving, denying joy and freedom. the only prisons in this world are of your own making, believing you have no choice. stop saying you haven’t the right tools or …
Today’s Thought
Do not listen to the ideas of others to make you happy. Stop thinking others will create joy and peace in your life as it is not possible. Only listening to your own heart will provide real happiness. Even when others try to their best, realize only you can make your life work Love and …
Today’s Thought
Remember that there is no one like you, no one can take your specific place in this world. No one has your memories or create your thoughts. Your perception of this world is unique so be convinced that you can choose today for happiness and joy, be the centre of your attention as you are …
Today’s Thought
Promise yourself today to be your own inspiration instead of your own judge. Treat yourself as if you are your own best client, student or friend. Focus on your ability to see the best in yourself instead of listening to the little voice in your head criticizing you. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
All you go through, feel and think about, is under your control to judge or to learn from it. You have free will to decide to become the victim or the student of this world. To be happy and content is your decision and not something that others can give you. So don’t blame anyone …
Today’s Thought
No one is your enemy as you don’t decide to make it your enemy. No one has power over you as you don’t allow the other to overpower you. No one can make you unhappy, sad or angry, no one can make you feel loved, happy or better as long as you don’t give yourself …
Today’s Thought
You can only change what you recognize, ignorance and blame leave you in the prison of your mind, thinking you have no control or choice. The life you live is the reality of your thinking. There is only unlimited potential and you are free to choose from it your way to create a hell or …
Today’s Thought
Peace leaves your heart when you think it is possible for someone else to do something against your will. Truth is that no one can give you that feeling as long as you don’t allow it. Observe how much power you give away to others and how many times you blame others for what happens …
Today’s Thought
Think today in a new way and you will be a new person, if you always think the same, you will always get to the same place. Change your perception and your world will change, as perception is your special flavor of reality Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
When you put all your valuable belongings in a safe or a box, when you don’t dare to wear your most beautiful jewelry because you are afraid of losing it, not using what you have, being afraid it will be destroyed or damaged, living fearful, you actually have nothing. Remember that the most valuable treasures …
Today’s Thought
Never blame anyone else for what happens in your life as what you experience is your own unique outcome of what you think, powerful or troubled. Make sure that what you want is inspired with your vision of dedication, flavored with your love. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
When others don’t understand you, maybe your question is not clear, when others don’t listen to you, maybe your message is too complicated. When you think that no one pays attention and you think you can’t motivate people or attract new clients, investigate if you truly and honestly understand the needs of those around you. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Each day is an adventure with no equal, an unique opportunity to make it special and memorable. It is up to you to create a wonderful or miserable day. It is you who turns holidays into holy days, Mondays into more of abundance days, flavoring them with your gratitude, courage, trust and love. Each day …
Today’s Thought
You can only inspire others when you inspire yourself. So today take care of you, inspire the most important person in your life: YOU! rediscover your own importance by trusting yourself completely and remember to carry your smile today to create a global connection as we all smile in the same language. Love and Light, …
Today’s Thought
Do you realize that you most of the time better take care of others than yourself? No wonder that you feel sometimes exhausted or neglected. When you make others more important than yourself, you haven’t understood your own importance. The truth is; YOU are the center of your life… Creator of it, Others are there, …
Today’s Thought
Communicating in a excellent way starts with excellent listening! Understand what is said, clearly hear the messages behind the words. Be an active listener and ask questions which can bring more understanding. Don’t let your mind drift away while listening, or jumping to conclusions, be there…. listen with your heart. People want to be understood, …
Today’s Thought
You make the difference in putting your heart into your work, caring about what you do, sharing in relationships in which you empower the people around you to do the same. It’s about you, being truthful, forgiving yourself for all blame and expectation you have put on others, taking responsibility for your life, which then …
Today’s Thought
Nothing prospers that does not come from love. Look at your life and observe where you struggle or feel not happy about. It can be your work or relationships and ask yourself how much love, care and dedication you give it. What you don’t put into it, you can’t expect back from it. Love and …
Today’s Thought
Your frustrations and anger are related to the blame you put on others for not having your own freedom or not feeling recognized, honored or seen, while it is you who keeps yourself from living your life. When you take good care of your own desires, your own visions, you create a life with joy …
Today’s Thought
Probably you take good care of your car, parking it safely and bringing it to the garage for maintenance as soon as you think there is something wrong. You will watch the other cars not to get into trouble of getting into an accident, anticipating, and performing as a skilled and safe driver. Are you …
Today’s Thought
Look today at life as a dynamic opportunity of choices, hold on to the thought that there is nothing without value upon this Earth and trust that you can have an impact to make this world a peaceful place Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
What you do and how you act has its own impact in this world as the physical reality of this earth is shaped by the actions and decisions of those who are in it, it is reflection of your thinking. Your evolution and growth therefore affect not only you but the more powerful and brighter …
Today’s Thought
When you blame your job, family, friends, health or anything else in your life, you haven’t discovered that what keeps you from being happy are not the circumstances where you’re in, but the resistance inside of you to accept what happens. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Make today yourself the center of your attention, treating yourself as you treat others, it will surprise you how many times you neglect yourself, not listening to your needs and intuition. Give importance to yourself and your acceptance of self will bring happiness and joy back in your life. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
When you need others to make you happy, or even to feel good of making them happy, you don’t realize that you make a choice to depend on others for your happiness. realize that in this way you allow others to be in control of your life, giving those others more importance than yourself. Love …
Today’s Thought
Remember that all your words spoken are making a difference in this world, be respectful and you will build bridges of understanding, connecting with love. Words spoken out of anger show the frustration of the speaker. Speak words from your heart and even the most upset person will feel the intention of your love. Love …
Today’s Thought
It is good to remember that all your words have power and effect and are not easily forgotten, especially words of encouragement and compassion may change people’s life dramatically as your deeds, thoughts and words spoken from the heart has power to uplift the spirit of all. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Respect that everyone around you has a different point of view. To communicate with others powerfully, you have to find common ground. Searching to meet others with respect will bring freedom and opportunity to share. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Start this morning with a promise in your heart, to make this day a wonderful one, filled with joy and happiness. Even when this day will bring farewells and situations full of challenges, remember it is you who decides how to feel and act on it. Life is a flow, which we fill with our …
Today’s Thought
Let your first thoughts in the morning be peaceful. Start your day with gratitude, thank yourself for being there. Understand that everything that will happen that day will be inspired by your intentions, how to accept or to resist them. When difficult decisions have to be made, make them truthfully from your heart, always treat …
Today’s Thought
Realize that your behavior has an influence on the next generation, showing them your envy or trust. Even when you don’t have children yourself, the children in this world will look at you, copy, paste your behavior in believing that they are as much human as you are. Promise yourself today to give them examples …
Today’s Thought
Stop pretending to be a victim in this world, stop complaining about your circumstances and get on with your life as only you keeps yourself from receiving, denying joy and freedom. the only prisons in this world are of your own making, believing you have no choice. stop saying you haven’t the right tools or …
Today’s Thought
Do not listen to the ideas of others to make you happy. Stop thinking others will create joy and peace in your life as it is not possible. Only listening to your own heart will provide real happiness. Even when others try to their best, realize only you can make your life work. Love and …
Today’s Thought
Remember that there is no one like you, no one can take your specific place in this world. No one has your memories or create your thoughts. Your perception of this world is unique so be convinced that you can choose today for happiness and joy, be the centre of your attention as you are …
Today’s Thought
Promise yourself today to be your own inspiration instead of your own judge. Treat yourself as if you are your own best client, student or friend. Focus on your ability to see the best in yourself instead of listening to the little voice in your head criticizing you. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
All you go through, feel and think about, is under your control to judge or to learn from it. You have free will to decide to become the victim or the student of this world. To be happy and content is your decision and not something that others can give you. So don’t blame anyone …
Today’s Thought
No one is your enemy as you don’t decide to make it your enemy. No one has power over you as you don’t allow the other to overpower you. No one can make you unhappy, sad or angry, no one can make you feel loved, happy or better as long as you don’t give yourself …
Today’s Thought
You can only change what you recognize, ignorance and blame leave you in the prison of your mind, thinking you have no control or choice. The life you live is the reality of your thinking. There is only unlimited potential and you are free to choose from it your way to create a hell or …
Today’s Thought
Peace leaves your heart when you think it is possible for someone else to do something against your will. Truth is that no one can give you that feeling as long as you don’t allow it. Observe how much power you give away to others and how many times you blame others for what happens …
Today’s Thought
Think today in a new way and you will be a new person, if you always think the same, you will always get to the same place. Change your perception and your world will change, as perception is your special flavor of reality. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
There are no mistakes as there is only experience. Everything that happens in your life has a history of how you are aware or ignore the signs given to you. Whatever thoughts you plant into your mind and nourish every day with conviction and emotion will one day become a reality as the world you …
Today’s Thought
Having faith in yourself, knowing that you have all the tools and power to create solutions and new ways of dealing with your life, shows that you know who you are. In every crisis you even show your inner needs for change and growth. Life is not about faith as it is only experience, faith …
Today’s Thought
In every crisis in your life lies the opportunity to learn about your own ability to handle what you experience at that time. It touches your qualities to discover your strength and flexibility. A crisis gives you the choice of growth in which you may discover that changing your way of thinking is enough to …
Today’s Thought
There is that critical person inside of you, that little voice talking and creating fear and sadness. Today observe that voice. Be kind to yourself and realize that this voice gives you the opportunity of choice. Stay detached and patiently forgive yourself for choosing turmoil, by doing so, you are able to create freedom and …
Today’s Thought
How much patience do you have with yourself? Do you feel the desire to understand yourself completely? Do you think that you are able to change your life? When you meditate on those questions, you will find out that you are not paying peaceful attention to yourself. Patiently observing your life to change matters, turns …
Today’s Thought
Start embracing yourself, become content with you. Accept what you are, how you look like and what you are able to do, only then you surrender to who you are; spiritual being living this human life. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
We all carry a small child inside us, which is conditioned with the experiences from our childhood. It has learned to be frightened and sad, lonely and doubtful. To be happy and powerful in life, we first have to take care of this child. Comforting it and recognizing it. So don’t be so hard on …
Today’s Thought
If fear is holding you back, replace it with courage. Maybe you think it is difficult, realize that it’s just a thought. It is not difficult at all, it’s matter of choice and that choice makes the difference in your world. Free yourself of thinking in limited ways, choosing thought of confidence and power and …
Today’s Thought
You have complete control over your thoughts as you are the only one who can change your thoughts from being negative to positive. If you think that it’s impossible to do, then it’s just possible for you to know you can, as it is simply a matter of replacing one thought with another. Love and …
Today’s Thought
Knowing self, is giving you opportunity to take responsibility for your own life and actions, experiencing the true essence of your being and knowing that you certainly make a difference in this world. Embrace your freedom and use the power of your creativity to make that difference a beautiful and happy one. Love and Light, …
Today’s Thought
Understanding yourself is the key to freedom. When you no longer allow others to influence and affect you, you liberate yourself from the chains of negativity and limitation, so no one can stop you doing what is right or persuade you to do what is wrong. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
All what exist in this world was there already, you were not able or ready to see it. All what you manifest was hold by your potential and its only your thought who pushes it into reality. All what is happening is about a vibe you activate and empower in the bigger picture in which …
Today’s Thought
Happiness is a very personal thing, and your happiness can not be compared with the happy feelings of your neighbour or of your partner or friends. Happiness is a state you enter when you have no desire to change a thing, being content with what happens in the here and now. Being unhappy is all …
Today’s Thought
Go through life step by step, don’t rush, be aware of what every moment can bring you and give greatly gratitude to all what happens in your life. This kind of advice you probably already know but keep refusing being hesitant to bring into action being worried missing out of new events, not doing enough …
Today’s Thought
Dwelling together in peace requires that you see what links you to others, not what separates you. If you see what links you, you will respect your differences. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
All what you have built up in your life you can easily lose overnight but let it not stop you to build again. Lots of people can be very unreasonable but let it not stop you to be kind and friendly. People may cheat you but be honest anyway and when people easily forget about …
Today’s Thought
Enough is enough…What is ‘enough’. Most people will talk about what they don’t have enough of, not having enough time, not enough money, not enough opportunity to develop themselves or simply not having enough fun. Enough is a promise that all is possible, simply a thought in which you calm done and confirm that all …
Today’s Thought
How considered are you about what you say or do. How much respect do you show to those you love. How flexible are you when it comes to changing things in your life, how willing are you to accept someone else’s opinion? Having a great relationship or strong long-term friendships, dwelling together in peace requires …
Today’s Thought
All the material things you have, you can lose. Everything that you bought to please yourself and you have worked so hard for can be stolen. But no one can take your creativity away, no one can steal your wisdom or stop your mind thinking about bright ideas. Real wealth is within! It’s about your …
Today’s Thought
Why do people climb mountains? Why do billionaires who have enough money for 1000 lifetimes work to create even more business? Because they understand the value of challenge. Try taking on a difficult and meaningful challenge, something that will force you to move out of your comfort zone. Something you truly want to achieve and …
Today’s Thought
There is nothing so important as the value of challenge as it will energize your life for the better. Taking on difficult tasks will move you out of your comfort zone and let you, as a person grow. Taking on meaningful challenges will satisfy your heart and achieving your greatest challenge will encourage you to …
Today’s Thought
Spare a moment today to replace the words ’I have to’ with: ‘I choose to” and notice the difference in how you feel. Understand that whatever you do is always a choice whether you like it or not. There is never a situation where you can’t handle different when you change your mind about it. …
Today’s Thought
Do you find it difficult to say farewell to the things you have, cleaning up your cupboards or attic? Today spent some time to look around in the place you live or work. Are you keeping things that are broken or no longer serve you anymore? Remember: all objects have energy and everything that becomes …
Today’s Thought
Maybe your mind is occupied with all kinds of things you want, need or hope for. Like everyone around you, you may worry about how to deal with all what happens in your life, to provide for your family, to get the best results on your tests or to find the right treatment for your …
Today’s Thought
Do not speak until you have something to say, preferable something positive. Communicate without criticism and without any intent to hurt or harm. Silence is the best language for communication as the power of silence develops your mental and spiritual power to tackle various situations successfully. Realize that it’s always safer to be quiet, to …
Today’s Thought
Your value to yourself and others is greatly enhanced by your ability to influence others to be happier, more productive people. There are no salary caps or career limits for those who lead others to great heights of success. Such people are simply too valuable. Remember success is a journey not a destination. Love and …
Today’s Thought
It will feel like magic as your life begins to transform right before your eyes, but it is not by magic. It is by the power of the Laws of the Universe and your deliberate alignment with those Laws. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
What do you want from life, are you disappointed or do you feel that life treats you well. When you have those thoughts, you forgot that you are the only one who is in control of your life, and it all depends on what you think and do to make it worth living Love and …
Today’s Thought
When we are able of witnessing our lives without judgement, we have the opportunity to be redefined, ready to disassemble our worldview, ready to stop seeing the world limited to the narrow confines of I, me and mine. To reach unity we may see clearly that all viewpoints are valid, every experience valuable and every …
Today’s Thought
The more you expand the horizons of your imagination, opening new territories and going beyond what you think is possible, the more you open the doorway to unlimited abundance. You cannot create something if you cannot picture it. Allow yourself to expand your ideas about what is possible, activate your ability to manifest just by …
Today’s Thought
Today accept the limitations your anger creates as only then you can go beyond them, finding your power back. Realize that when you are angry you probably have the feeling of not being capable of dealing with what happens as you have given your control away, now feeling controlled by others. Go beyond the limitations …
Today’s Thought
Feeling punished or not treated fairly by life shows your ignorance about your unlimited power. Being angry or upset doesn’t help you to find solutions or to create a better way to deal with life. Improving your life is about taking responsibility for all what happens, simply accepting and dealing with what you encounter in …
Today’s Thought
Silence, harmony and peace can only exist when you dare to live the moments of chaos, turmoil and war, embracing them, as there is your opportunity of creating your own successful world! Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
When you think that you can’t succeed, be like others or have what they have, then you are right. All what others do or have are theirs as you have your own special approach and place in this world. No one can be ‘you’ so instead of complaining about your life, start being active. Use …
Today’s Thought
Everyone tells his own story based on what has been understood and experienced so far so don’t think you know better but for all what you may do in this world be simply grateful and remember it’s about what you embrace with your heart that will make the difference. Only then do you let your …
Today’s Thought
Don’t think that you know other people’s story as you only know your own interpretation of it. There is no compassion in pity or respect in love when you don’t treat people equally as yourself, recognizing their power. You can only ‘help’ them when you point to their strength not their weakness, accept their own …
Today’s Thought
Today don’t be angry thinking that others have more or being upset that there is no loving partner in your life as you just attract that where you totally believe in. Don’t manifest more of your anger, need and frustration while you can inspire love, gratitude, and acceptance as they will bring you just that, …
Today’s Thought
Are you satisfied with what you do, feeling content about the decisions you take and living the way you always have dreamed of? Maybe you think that your life should improve, changing your job or finding finally the right partner. Today look at your life without the need to have more or to change it, …
Today’s Thought
When you are complaining or thinking that nothing is working, If it looks like as everyone is against you, finding life a struggle, you forget that it’s up to you to change your world. No one can make it better as it all depends on you, how you interpreted your circumstances. Where others can find …
Today’s Thought
‘Time’ brings change to your body like everyone around you will experience. ‘Time’ seems to fly when you enjoy yourself, giving you opportunity and challenges but it will for sure make you ‘older’ every day. Watching the mirror, looking how your hair turns grey and your face wrinkles and even when you stretch and hold …
Today’s Thought
Today embrace all what happens in your life and think about what you have learned so far from it, not complaining but being compassioned for the one who has gone through it all…You! Show respect for all what you have created, be humble in your opinion and forgive yourself taking a victim role only then …
Today’s Thought
When all seems to be lost, the coming day filled with pain and loneliness, the future without hope, take a breath…..When you don’t know how to solve your problems or how to pay your bills, remember that everything that brings you trouble, all what makes you worry activates your brain to think of other scenario’s …
Today’s Thought
From all the labels you have put on yourself, let love represent YOU! Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Let your heart enlighten your mind, transforming your darkest thoughts into possibilities of wonder and well-being. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Life unfolds in the direction you set your mind, let it guide you to endless creative opportunities. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
You are unique, as there is no one else like you, don’t bother yourself with this useless competition of comparing yourself with others. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Let all the ‘B.S.’ you experience in life, fertilize your mind by creating better opportunities… Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
By paying attention to your moments of worry, you waste your golden opportunities of improvement. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Many things may go on in your life but it’s not about what happens but how you respond to it! Observe your choices. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
While building your relationships, build institutions of integrity, love, and faith. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Success, power, and wealth have no meaning without love, kindness, and health! Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Giving value and importance to all what you do, say and manifest makes you easily judgmental of yourself, remember that ‘importance’ is a concept of your mind. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Your attempts to please the people around you are the sources of disappointment and failure, building your bitterness and resentment. Don’t please but take part with faith and peace of heart and mind. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Money is a resource that may empower your choices but to make money a spiritual tool it must be shared. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Success is about wasting no time on things that don’t work! Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Nothing makes things more perfect than your intentions of love! Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Look in the eyes of all those you meet and recognize that wisdom has no age…finding the God in All Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Decision is a moment in time which separates ‘defeat’ from ‘finding a better way’! Instead of defending yourself, find better ways to act. instead of wasting your time on arguments, initiate your strength with answers of wisdom and actions of compassion. Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Loving parents create platforms of love and faith from which their children can make a safe leap into the unknown! Love and Light, Wil
Today’s Thought
Without your ability to receive you can’t reach out in this world, as what you don’t have, you can’t give. Learn to receive so you can give out even more. Love and Light, Wil