Today’s Thought
When you learn to embrace yourself, love will be found within, not striving for better but understandingthat you forgot that you are the best. Love and Light, Wil
When you learn to embrace yourself, love will be found within, not striving for better but understandingthat you forgot that you are the best. Love and Light, Wil
Happiness appears only in the moment ‘now’, being happy about the past or future is simply a thought,based on an expectation, wish or hope. Love and Light, Wil
Be conscious of your feelings and emotions as they may poison your thoughts, and eventually breakyour heart. Simply embrace them with acceptance and surrender to the greatness of your power,forgiving yourself identifying with the many human roles you have taken on. Love and Light, Wil
Respect creates a journey of compassion, empathy, and peace. Respect yourself and you will be able to respect others, creating endless peace. Love and Light, Wil