
Today’s Thought

Your value to yourself and others is greatly enhanced by your ability to influence others to be happier, more productive people. There are no salary caps or career limits for those who lead others to great heights of success. Such people are simply too valuable. Remember success is a journey not a destination. Love and …

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Today’s Thought

 It will feel like magic as your life begins to transform right before your eyes, but it is not by magic. It is by the power of the Laws of the Universe and your deliberate alignment with those Laws. Love and Light, Wil

Today’s Thought

When we are able of witnessing our lives without judgement, we have the opportunity to be redefined, ready to disassemble our worldview, ready to stop seeing the world limited to the narrow confines of I, me and mine. To reach unity we may see clearly that all viewpoints are valid, every experience valuable and every …

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Today’s Thought

The more you expand the horizons of your imagination, opening new territories and going beyond what you think is possible, the more you open the doorway to unlimited abundance. You cannot create something if you cannot picture it. Allow yourself to expand your ideas about what is possible, activate your ability to manifest just by …

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Today’s Thought

Today accept the limitations your anger creates as only then you can go beyond them, finding your power back. Realize that when you are angry you probably have the feeling of not being capable of dealing with what happens as you have given your control away, now feeling controlled by others.  Go beyond the limitations …

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Today’s Thought

Feeling punished or not treated fairly by life shows your ignorance about your unlimited power. Being angry or upset doesn’t help you to find solutions or to create a better way to deal with life. Improving your life is about taking responsibility for all what happens, simply accepting and dealing with what you encounter in …

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Today’s Thought

Silence, harmony and peace can only exist when you dare to live the moments of chaos, turmoil and war, embracing them, as there is your opportunity of creating your own successful world! Love and Light, Wil
