06/04/2024 Workshop «Coaching the coach»

Workshop for therapists, trainers, and coaches. Day: April Time: 10:00-17:00 Price: Price is €165 early bird bookings € 145. Confirmed and paid by 30/03. Sign up txt 99 93 59 79. Place: Villa Wilhelmina, Moni Village. “Listening is a fundamental and foundational practice in coaching!” One of the first challenges when you start as a coach is to become a better listener as without it, it’s impossible to discover what concerns a client and why. Listening compasses all the ways in which a listener becomes aware of what a speaker is experiencing and expressing in each moment. In this way the listener gets to know the speaker. To coach people you truly must know your own weak spots to work on and finding out how to balance your thoughts with your feelings. In this way you step into the shoes of your client, and this is the most wonderful way to feel compassion for their frustration how to deal with the life they live. Do you want to improve your skills or learning more about them, sign up for our workshop Coaching the Coach! In this course, we will first look at the philosophy, and qualities of the coach him/herself as when you want to coach people, you first must be able to coach yourself. Questions that we will discuss at the workshop: Workshop motivation, Coaching who and how, What motivates me to Be a coach, Is coaching my passion? The wheel of life, What is the task of the coach ‘coaching others?’ Five forms of coaching, Training cases, Questions to ask? Self-reflection om coaching.

20-21/04/2024 Reiki 2 class

We start at 10.00 on Saturday and go on 17.00, and Sunday from 10.00 till 14.00 . Join our Reiki 2 class, sending distant Reiki as there are no limitations to the power of Love! In this class you receive 3 Reiki symbols, to connect and heal through time and space. This is again a two-day class in which we share the miracles of love and light as we are all One. This is again a weekend full of initiations, questions, and answers, guiding thoughts and meditation next to the hands-on and distant healing with the symbols. Join us and learn even more about the power you are, Reiki, unconditional love… Price €275 including lunch, manual, certificate. Place Villa Wilhelmina

11/05/2024 Reiki Master meeting

Reiki Master meeting 11.05.2024 from10.00 to 15.00. Sign up for our next Reiki Master Meeting when you have a 3A or 3A/B Reiki master’s degree! Share, explore and develop your knowledge about Reiki with your fellow Masters! Сost: 75 euro, lunch included. Sign up txt 99 93 59 79 Place: Villa Wilhelmina, Moni Village.

22/06/2024 Open Reiki Meeting with BBQ

Join this meeting full of Meditation, Reiki, and Mindfulness. June 22, 2024! We have our Open Reiki Meeting with BBQ to finish the season. Time from 12.00 till 4.00, BBQ will be on from 14.00 till 16.00, we start with Reiki, meditation and mindfulness from 12.00! (till 14.00) The best thing is to find out where to go not at the last minute, we are too busy to take our phones before the meeting. And lest but not least… B.T.W. Don’t Park your car in the garden but use the space before you enter the private road.