Today’s Thought

Probably you take good care of your car, parking it safely and bringing it to the garage for maintenance as soon as you think there is something wrong. You will watch the other cars not to get into trouble of getting into an accident, anticipating, and performing as a skilled and safe driver. Are you treating your life the same as you do your car? Do you pay attention to your needs, guiding yourself safe through life, watching carefully not to get in trouble. Do you take care to live life, so you feel you are in control? Be aware that you are always at the stirring wheel of your own life, it is you who makes the turns and decisions. You are always in control even when you think you are not, as giving away your control is also control. So, the next time you step into your car, remember that stepping out of bed in the morning, is the same decision as starting your car, be ready and alert, and your journey will bring you to all kind of destinations in which you may make your own choices, of being miserable, sad or happy and safe.

Love and Light, Wil
